Our mission is to connect our community, promote healing and dare to dream of a truer, braver future for Hope & Home. 

the fact that we can't fix everything
must not stop us from doing what we can.

it has taken a village of support and a decade of attempts to bring this to light.

the fact that we can't fix everything
must not stop us from doing what we can.

it has taken a village of support and a
decade of attempts to bring this to light.

ask for the immediate resignation of Ross Wright & Jacque Thurman-Wright and all board members present in september 2019.


Board Members received a report from a private investigator (hired by Hope & Home) with statements from several women who detailed their experiences of sexual harassment and/or a toxic work environment. The board chose to do nothing.

You are not alone. Secrecy, silence and shame is what has perpetuated these issues over the past decade.

SHARE your concerns with others

Between working more than 40 hours a week and raising two young children, Mrs. Ballage has worked with the Colorado Federal Pro Se Clinic in Denver to represent herself because she does not have the funds to retain an attorney. Her lawsuit is not only about her own claims but the additional women who may have the opportunity to testify with similar claims.
Learn more about her fundraising campaign HERE.

Email your caseworker & GAL directly

Once you initiate switching agencies, Hope & Home cannot disrupt foster placements.

Look into changing Child Placement Agencies

Hope & Home does not have a process for refunding monetary donations, however nonprofits organizations are required by law to return a donor's gift if the funds cannot be used according to the donor's intent or if any significant provisions of a gift agreement are violated. If your intent was not to add to Hope & Home's bank account (because they receive enough government funding to cover programing and expenses), you can ask for your money back.

ask for your monEtary donation back

Reach out if you are a foster parent and have concerns with something you have experienced at Hope & Home.

support Mrs. Ballage's lawsuit

Hope and Home is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA). As members they commit to following ECFA’s Integrity Standards for Nonprofits. If you have concerns regarding Hope and Home’s compliance with these standards please “Share a Concern” with ECFA. ECFA may conduct a compliance review.

Share a Concern with ECFA

Only you know the next right step for you.

You are in a unique position to
leverage your time, talents, and connections
to challenge the status quo.

Let's all sit in this discomfort together in search of
a better, truer future for Hope & HOme.

will you join us?


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We would love to connect with you if you have any further questions or comments. 
You can also find people connected to this movement on Facebook to directly message.

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